Method Validation

Standard Service. Stago's standard is to provide customers with in-depth training and tools to perform method validation as part of our new instrument training program. In this case, your Stago Technical Support Specialist is available via telephone support to review the protocol, answer questions and provide a final data review.

SAVOR Method Validation Service. We realize that some customers, due to staffing shortages and/or convenience, would prefer to have a Stago Technical Support Specialist on site to coordinate and perform method validation.  In this case, the Technical Support Specialist will run the tests, collect data, perform data analysis and provide an electronic data presentation.

Item # Days of On-site Support Service Description
1215 3 Routine Assays, PT, aPTT, FiBg, TT, D-Dimer
1216 4 Routine + Specialty Assays
Item # Days of On-site Support Description
1227   Method Validation Binder (paper report)