Stago Canada Ltd/Ltée (SCL) is the exclusive provider of the Diagnositca Stago Hemostasis product lines in Canada and offers a complete system of coagulation instruments and optimized reagent kits for research as well as for routine analysis. Stago Canada Ltd./Ltée is Canadian subsidiary of Diagnostica Stago, S.A.S. France, a leader in the development and manufacture of Hemostasis products.
A total quality approach plays an integral part in the corporate culture at Stago. We are committed to a better understanding of hemostasis and thrombosis to provide clinical and research laboratories with the most advanced analyzer/reagent systems. In Canada, Stago Canada Ltd./Ltée. has been servicing the clinical and research hemostasis laboratory community for over 25 years with the same commitment to customers as Diagnostica Stago has maintained in Europe over the last 68 years.