Lot Conversion

Lot Conversion/Simple Method Validation (usually a single test parameter)

Lot Conversion.
We realize that some customers, due to staffing shortages and/or convenience, would prefer to have a Stago Technical Support Specialist on site to perform lot conversion.  In this case, the Technical Support Specialist will run the tests, collect data, perform data analysis and provide an electronic data presentation.

Method Validation. A Stago Technical Support Specialist will be on site at your hospital for one full day to perform method validation studies. Prior to arrival, the Technical Support Specialist will work with the lead coagulation technologist/key operator to develop the plan for sample requirements and time management. The Technical Support Specialist will schedule a time to be present to run samples, generate data and complete the process.

Item # Days of On-Site Support Service Description
1217 1 Routine Assay Lot Conversion