The first two volumes of the Practical Manual series (“Scores and Algorithms in Haemostasis and Thrombosis” and “Antiphospholipid Syndrome”) met with great success, and Stago has just published the third in the collection: “Practical Manual – Parenteral Anticoagulants”.
This manual brings together current practical knowledge concerning injectable (parenteral) anticoagulants. It reviews unfractionated heparins (UFHs), low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs), fondaparinux, danaparoid (Orgaran®) and direct thrombin inhibitors. It also contains a chapter on heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT).
Despite the multitude of publications currently discussing direct oral anticoagulants, the level of prescription of parenteral anticoagulants has remained strong and many patients still receive these treatments. Few books exist today that bring together prescribing information on all the parenteral anticoagulants.
This latest volume of the Practical Manual collection has been produced for distribution to pathologists, clinicians, biomedical scientists and students (4000 copies in all). Its distribution began at the 62nd ISTH SSC meeting, held in Montpelier in May 2016, and will continue at various scientific conferences and Stago events.
Note that all three volumes of the Practical Manual collection are available on demand. Don't hesitate to contact your current Stago interlocutor.